News & Articles By Olivia Cook
By Olivia Cook
Study: Curcumin in turmeric STARVES CANCER CELLS to death
The polyphenol curcumin, which is responsible for the bright orange-yellow color of turmeric (Curcuma longa), appears to have preventative and therapeutic effects against various types of cancers. Over 4,500 published peer-reviewed studies have shown curcumin to prevent cancer progression through a variety of mechanisms – by reducing inflammation, preventing chemical stress from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, shutting […]
By Olivia Cook
Live longer and increase your healthspan with these superfoods
For the last 25 years, researchers have been trying to find ways to prolong a person’s lifespan while increasing his healthspan, which is the number of years one a person can live in reasonably good health, free from disease. While having “good” genes may be responsible for 20 percent of how long you live, the rest depends on your habits. […]
By Olivia Cook
6 Reasons why you’re always craving sugar, plus expert tips that can help curb sugar cravings
Health and nutrition specialists Dr. Michael Crupain, board-certified preventive medicine physician and author of the best-selling book What to Eat When, Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider, practicing internal medicine physician and host of the TED Health Podcast, and Dr. Michael Hartman, nutrition scientist and vice president of research and development at Plexus Worldwide, explain why we get […]
By Olivia Cook
Improve sleep quality to bolster your resilience against anxiety and depression
A study led by researchers at the University of York has shown that good-quality sleep can bolster resilience to depression and anxiety. The study was published in the journal Cortex. In a separate study published in Sleep Medicine, researchers associated poor sleep quality with impaired quality of life as some participants reported depression or anxiety. You might be getting […]
By Olivia Cook
Natural alternatives to OTC drugs for your survival medicine cabinet
An essential component when it comes to building your preparedness arsenal is stocking up on over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that effectively address a wide range of medical issues – from alleviating allergies and pain, managing respiratory and intestinal infections and tackling various other ailments. It is worth noting that there are natural alternatives to OTC drugs when SHTF events disrupt […]
By Olivia Cook
Everything you need to know about plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a big buzzword in musculoskeletal medicine. It is a common orthopedic condition characterized by inflammation of your plantar fascia or the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. But not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis so a correct diagnosis […]
By Olivia Cook
Summer health 101: A simple guide to address 5 heat-related illnesses
Temperatures that are unreasonably hot – and that your body is unused to – can increase your risk for heat-related illnesses. Additionally, high humidity makes it harder for sweat to evaporate, and it’s the evaporation, not sweating itself, that cools the body and releases heat. Healthcare professionals from Northwestern Medicine share this simple guide to address […]
By Olivia Cook
8 Natural ways to keep mosquitoes at bay
Here are some useful tips to keep mosquitoes at bay: Use mosquito nets Invest in a good-quality, super-fine mesh, machine-washable, lightweight mosquito net that you can hang to surround your bed at night or bring with you on your outdoor adventures. Some designs have an opening that overlaps to close so you don’t need to crawl underneath the […]
By Olivia Cook
How to keep your lungs healthy and strong
Multiple studies have shown that lifestyle modifications, including specific nutrients and foods in your diet, can help protect your lungs and even reduce the damage and symptoms of lung diseases. Foods that help boost lung function Here are some foods that support lung health, which you can incorporate into your diet. (Related: Top herbs to help cleanse […]
By Olivia Cook
Time to lose those pounds: Study find that EXCESS WEIGHT increases risk for 18 cancers
Being overweight or obese during early adulthood – between the ages of 18 and 40 – could be linked with up to 18 cancers, according to researchers at the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The WHO researchers noted their findings in a cohort study of 2.6 million adults published […]
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