News & Articles By HRS Editors
By HRS Editors
Survival dental care: Keeping your teeth clean and healthy when SHTF
Maintaining proper oral health even after SHTF is important because it helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and your breath fresh. For emergencies, you can clean your teeth with toothpaste substitutes such as baking soda or even coconut oil. (h/t to SurvivalJack.com) Here are some options if you don’t have an extra supply of […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping and hydration: Essential tips for preparing for extreme heat
Picnics and outdoor activities are fun when the weather is great, but you should remember that spending too much time in the sun during summer can also be dangerous. Excessive heat exposure can cause dehydration, which can cause hazardous conditions, such as heat cramps. Fortunately, you can take measures to protect your family from the heat and sun if […]
By HRS Editors
Essential oils for prepping: Must-haves for your survival kit
Essential oils from various plants are less fixed and more volatile, which means they tend to evaporate easily. In contrast, so-called “fixed oils” like olive and other cooking oils do not evaporate even in high temperatures. As such, essential oils are popular in aromatherapy. While there are many kinds of essential oils, some of them should be […]
By HRS Editors
The buzz behind bees: Essential allies for survival and prepping
Bee pollen is produced by combining honey, enzymes, flower pollen, nectar, wax and bee secretions. Foraging honey bees collect pollen from plants and transport it to the beehive, where it is stored and used as food for the rest of the colony. Keep in mind that bee pollen is different from other bee products such […]
By HRS Editors
DIY survival solution: Create activated charcoal at home
Activated charcoal has many survival uses, such as filtering water. You can buy activated charcoal for you survival stockpile. Alternatively, you can make it at home. One pound of activated charcoal costs $12 to $15 at the grocery, while making your own costs less than $1 per pound. For $20, you can have enough activated charcoal on […]
By HRS Editors
Natural ways to keep mosquitoes at bay – HRS essential oils showcase
Whether you are indoors or outdoors, keeping pesky mosquitoes away should be a priority to avoid malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. However, protecting yourself and your loved ones should not come at the cost of exposing yourself to toxic chemicals. Instead of using harmful mainstream pesticides laced with dangerous substances, try natural alternatives that are […]
By HRS Editors
Why essential oils are necessary additions to your emergency stockpile
In a survival situation, you might find essential oils an incredibly handy survival item to have around. Not only are they useful for first aid, but they can also be utilized in a wide variety of applications. In an SHTF event, essential oils are necessary additions to your emergency stockpile or bug-out bag. They’re also […]
By HRS Editors
5 Toxic ingredients that can be found in common cleaning products
In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to keep your home environment clean and free of harmful pollutants and toxins. Most people tend to use commercial cleaning products and disinfectants to keep their immediate living environment pristine and spotless. However, there may be hidden dangers lurking in your cleaning products that can negatively […]
By HRS Editors
Protect your home with a non-toxic natural solution that’s effective against pesky insects
Whether you have sensitive skin or are taking care of young children at home, it’s a good option to use bug repellents made with natural ingredients such as essential oils. You can also keep your home free from various pests using a DEET-free bug spray made with non-toxic ingredients like cedar oil. As a bonus, natural […]
By HRS Editors
Boost your survival kit with essential oils
After disaster strikes, you may have trouble buying various supplies because stores will eventually run out of products. Fortunately, you can stock up on items like essential oils now to ensure that you have access to versatile ingredients with many survival uses. For example, essential oils like eucalyptus, lemon and lavender can be used for cleaning […]
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